…”Raising Respectful Kids in a Rude World,” (Prima 2001)and “Calming the Family Storm: Anger Management for Moms, Dads, And All the Kids” co-authored by Steven A. Maybell, Ph.D. (Impact 2004).
A portion of one Lesson, a Welcome video from Michael Kennedy, a video on the benefits of learning Effective Parenting Methods, and a Welcome video from Dr. Steven A. Maybell are below:
This interactive resource uses Lessons, Video, and Audio examples to explain and model Effective Parenting Methods …
Another way to gain a child’s compliance…
is to request their help with tasks that they are good at or they enjoy. Notice the importance of not combining Special Time and Opportunities To Contribute. The problem is when a parent hopes to have some Special Time with a child, while completing chores–chores that the child may not really enjoy or be skilled in doing. The result can be frustration for the parent and frustration for the child, which can then lead to a Parent’s Mistaken Reaction of anger and disappointment.
Take a look at this Lesson to learn more about Opportunities To Contribute …